Monday, August 11, 2008

Whitewater Creek Zone Change

Issue: Whether to change the zoning on a 30 acre parcel behind the fairgrounds from Residential "A" to Residential "C" and a small portion from Residential "A" to "ER" (light industrial).

Rule: Zone changes are governed by the comprehensive plan. Under the current comprehensive plan the area is to be Residential "A". Under the proposed comprehensive plan, the area is to be Context Area 3. CA-3 most closely resembles Residential "C".

*Note: The City Council is currently revising the Comprehensive Plan. The changes have not yet been adopted. Residential "A", "C", and "ER" are current zoning designations. Residential "A" is low density housing. Residential "C" is higher density housing. "ER" is light industrial. Under the revisions to the comprehensive plan, CA-3 and CA-4 are proposed zoning but the ordinances for CA-3 and CA-4 have not yet been drafted or adopted. The Council just has a general idea of what these are to look like. CA-3 is to be medium density residential. CA-4 is to be mixed use with first floor commercial activity over residential units.

Analysis: On August 7th, the City Council met in special meeting to consider the proposed zone change of an area to be developed by Whitewater Creek. The developer is proposing to use the property for work-force housing and the ER for a live/work development.

This project is located within the City limits with relatively small impact to the surroundings, except the Bonner County Fairgrounds. Affordability of the units is guaranteed over the next 40 years through deed restrictions. There was broad support among the community for the development based upon the letters of support furnished to the Council.

Conclusion: While the development may impact the fairgrounds, this effect is limited in comparison to locating the development elsewhere in the City limits. Affordable housing is a need for our community and employers. Based upon the development, the area, the proposed comprehensive plan and the need for workforce housing, I voted in favor of the zone change. The zone change from Res "A" to Res "C" passed.

The developer's request and agreement to restrict uses within the "ER" area is similar to what is envisioned for that area but not yet enacted under the proposed comprehensive plan . I voted to accept the zone change to "ER" as the proposed comprehensive plan envisions this type of use along Woodland Drive. The zone change from Res "A" to "ER" failed. The area was then zoned Residential "C".

Our current comp plan and zoning are out of date. By failing to give the developer the tools (the new zoning ordinances and areas under the proposed comp plan), the City failed to meet the needs of our community. It is my hope that we will be able to implement the changes to the comprehensive plan as soon as possible in order to allow private enterprise to meet the needs of our community.

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