Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 2010 City Council Mtg.

The Changing of The Council: It's difficult to watch the changing of the Council. For the past two years, I have worked very closely with Michael Boge and Helen Newton. For a shorter period of time, I have worked with John O'Hara.

No one is a Council member for the money. We are paid approximately $200 per month and health care benefits. I estimate that I average approximately 10 hours per week on Council business. So the hourly pay is not the incentive. Nor is the glory. The status of being a Council member is quickly overridden by the criticism.

We do it because we want to improve the City of Sandpoint. I genuinely believe that every Council member I have served with has the same overall goal. Under these circumstances, you develop a deep respect for the people serving with you. I'm sad to see Helen Newton, Michael Boge and John O'Hara leaving the Council. Together they have contributed decades of service. They worked hard and served very well.

That sadness is tempered by the prospect of the new Council members. They worked hard in their campaigns. They are bringing with them different areas of expertise for a larger number of perspectives on the Council. This is going to be a very exciting two years.

I compiled a list of the accomplishments of the 2008 - 2010 Council. I will try to attach it here at a later time.

Issue 1: Hands Free Cell Phone Ordinance. Mayor Hellar vetoed the cell phone ordinance. To override the veto requires four votes on the Council. I did not vote for the original cell phone ordinance because I don't feel that it is good policy to make cell phone usage illegal within an area as small as the City limits. It presents multiple problems in enforcement and also fairness. For that reason, I voted against the measure and voted against overriding the Mayor's veto. I expect Idaho legislation on this issue soon.

Issue 2: Election of Council President.

Historically, the Council president has been selected based on experience. In this circumstance, Carrie Logan and I are the longest-serving Council members. Since we have served the same amount of time, the number of votes is used to break the tie. This honor fell to me.

In reviewing whether to accept the position of Council president, I had very definite ideas of the role that the Council president should play. That individual should be highly engaged on issues and in constant communication with department heads and staff. I believe that a good Council president will make the Council much more efficient.

After starting with Berg & McLaughlin law firm in January, I was uncomfortable accepting a larger role on Council. I asked Carrie Logan whether she wanted the position. After conferring, we agreed that John Reuter was the natural selection for Council president. In nominating John Reuter for Council president, I requested that he focus on the issues that I stated earlier. John was confirmed and I think that he will do a very good job in leading this Council.